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Programs at the following universities received grants during 2019:
During 2019, a total of $510,000 were granted to ten student-focused faculty programs at universities and five at non-profits associated with a particular university. The Board carefully selects programs based upon their compatibility with the Foundation’s mission, their confidence in the faculty in whom they are entrusting the funds, and in particular each program’s ability to strengthen and deepen students’ understanding of the Western tradition. Successful programs were chosen first for their faculty members’ focus on excellence in teaching and their impact on a growing number of students’ lives and secondarily on the additional impact on the community campuses they serve.
We are ever more grateful for the impressive accomplishments we see in the programs we have supported. We continue to be grateful to all our grantees for their dedication to energizing, challenging, and inspiring students, and we look forward to a continuing string of remarkable reports!
Below, please find examples of successful programs achieving the goals of the Apgar Foundation. They are chosen for their illustrative value, in alphabetical order:

At Louisiana State University, the Apgar Foundation supports The Eric Voegelin Institute. The Voegelin Institute is devoted to themes of Voegelin’s study which he once characterized as “God and man, world and society.” The Institute has become the university’s de facto humanities center and sponsors visiting lectures, undergraduate reading groups, graduate fellowships and professional development opportunities, and faculty conversations that involve scholars from across the university as a whole. It does this alongside a curricular plan aiming to restore serious study of the Western tradition through the LSU Honors College. The Voegelin Institute, has put into action several Constitution Day lectures and a lecture series on “Millennial Classics.” Like the lecture program, EVI’s faculty seminars have built tremendous good will for the Institute across the LSU faculty and a series of curriculum developments have started in the revival of the core courses in Western Civilization which were once the anchor of the Honors curriculum but have been diminished and neglected in recent years.

At Utah Valley University, the Apgar Foundation supports The Center for Constitutional Studies. This academic center originated as a joint effort between the history and political science departments. It promotes the instruction, study, and research of constitutionalism, the rule of law, and ordered liberty. Granting a pathway for outstanding students to succeed in law, politics, education, and related academic and professional careers, it does this by increasing constitutional literacy, facilitating student workshops and essay contests, with a newly created journal on constitutional studies, and a powerful new research project in collaboration with Oxford University, to digitally model the 1787 United States Constitution.

At Western Carolina University, the Apgar Foundation supports the Center for the Study of Free Enterprise. This on- campus-wide and off-campus program provides students with opportunities in the economics of ideas, entrepreneurship, and politics. Housed in the College of Business, the Center offers a pathway for students to develop professionally through student-faculty research support, interactions on weekend mini-conferences of scholars from other campuses with WCU students and faculty, and a speaker series. CSFE Issue Briefs offers live and archived digital content which increases the impact and number of students reached. Utilizing an independent degree plan called Special Studies, the Center has created curriculum that allows students to study economics along with another major such as math, philosophy, or finance. The Center has provided support to these students through mini-grants to attend academic workshops and seminars, through support of summer research projects with the economics faculty, and by providing a common space for students to interact and build community. The economics faculty, who are active in CSFE projects, continue to work on the proposal to restore an economics major through the UNC System.